Coordinating other consultants
Our project management role begins by suggesting the right specialists for the project at the design phase, obtaining quotes for you to find the best.
We’ll then be coordinating other consultants to make sure everyone is working to the same timetable and, importantly, the same vision.
To learn more about project management, speak to one of our residential architects.

Helping appoint a contractor
As the project moves towards construction, our project management role shifts from coordinating other consultants to managing contractors.
We can help you in selecting the right people for the job. Often, however, you may have other subcontractors you’re also managing, such as a kitchen supplier or an IT specialist. In this case, we‘ll also ensure that all the contractors you engage are working together and that no responsibilities are left to chance.
Get in touch for advice on how best to appoint a contractor.
Acting as a contract administrator
The project management role can evolve into managing your project’s finances during construction, called contract administration.
If we act as your contract administrator, we’ll manage the contract and budget for you. We’ll authorise work as complete and how much can be invoiced. We also monitor any changes that inevitably occur and make sure that implications in terms of time and cost are understood in advance of you agreeing to them. This role is separate from being your architect, so we assign different team members to these roles to reduce any conflict of interest.

For advice on appointing a contractor, speak to one of our local architects.