Xanthe Wilkins passes her Architecture Part 3 (ARB/RIBA)
< Back to InsightsWe’re pleased to announce that Xanthe Wilkins, who joined our team as a Part 2 architectural assistant in Autumn 2022 has now passed her Part 3 exams and will be qualified as an architect!
Xanthe said: “I’m so excited to have received my final pass for my Part 3 accreditation from The Bartlett.
Alasdair Ben Dixon, Partner at Collective Works had this to say: “We’re all proud to see Xanthe pass her Part 3 and officially enter the profession this summer. She’s a talented individual who brings buckets of energy and enthusiasm to the practice. It was a pleasure mentoring her throughout the process, and she’s already returning the favour by developing our in-house knowledge programme. Xanthe feels strongly that architecture should be more accessible – we couldn’t agree more and look forward to supporting her with that mission.”
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