ESG Design


Collective Works is keen on being a thinking studio.

We strive to bring research into practice in order to produce the architecture that is needed in the 21st century.

ESG Publications

The ethics of design, delivery and eventual use of buildings is a key area of concern for us as architects. Our role in projects can have an influence over countless people who either use the buildings we design or have to live with the consequences of that building in their neighbourhood. Whether on the topic of carbon, supply chain or social value, we are actively learning and promoting architectural design that embraces ESG principles.

Our most recent publication is for RIBA Publishing to encourage the profession of architects especially practice leaders to embrace ethics in their respective decision-making. You can purchase a copy of that book here:


We have spoken about ESG and ethics within architecture at a wide range of industry events. RIBA has invited both Alasdair and Siri, in different years, to speak at the annual agenda setting conference for small and medium sized architects, Guerrilla Tactics. Khuzema has participated in fireside chats and podcasts.


Most recently, the studio has been invited by leading educational institutions such as the Architectural Association and the London School of Architecture. The lectures and conversations have been focused on opening the minds of aspiring architects to the responsibilities that the profession has in the current day and age.

Alasdair offers both virtual and in-person sessions at architectural studios who themselves have an objective to operate as businesses and designers with more understanding about ESG.

Use the contact form below to make a speaking arrangement.

In Practice

The leadership at Collective Works is keen to operate as a business in the way that it designs for clients. The studio is a signatory to Architects Declare and has also signed up to UN’s Race to Zero. The mission, Responsible & Beautiful Design,  embraces participatory design, low-carbon thinking and post-occupancy evaluations to ensure best practice informs subsequent projects.

From inception, the studio has embraced diversity and inclusion with directors that are both female as well as from global ethnic majorities. The practice is a member of the Paradigm Network and is internally balancing gender and ethnic pay gaps.

If you are in need of a project partner that is ESG-aligned with your shareholders and customers, get in touch below.

Let’s have a chat about your vision and
how we can help you realise it.

Collective Works are an architecture & design studio. Our network of professionals will create your perfect solution.