We have a wide network of collaborators, but it’s the three Partners – Alasdair, Siri and Khuzema – who make up the core of Collective Works.
We Start by Listening
How can you inspire your community while unlocking a challenging site? How can we help you bring clarity and sustainability to your mixed-use project? How can we enable your ambition and flair by navigating complex planning challenges?
We get excited by the potential of beautiful and responsible architecture. And we want you to feel just the same.

Alasdair Ben Dixon

Khuzema Hussain

Siri Zanelli

Jenny Gnadl

Joe Scragg
Project Architect

Tomas Tvarijonas
Project Architect

Xanthe Wilkins
Part 3 Architect

Michelle Stones
Finance Manager
Architecture in the 21st Century
We’ve signed Architects Declare, a rallying cry from architects far and wide to think and work more sustainably. And with our name, Collective Works, we’ve signalled our openness to different sectors, to different ideas, and to the positive overlaps between them. We’ve opened our door to collaboration – with younger colleagues on unusual projects and events, and with other practices who appreciate our responsiveness and our human touch.
We are leaders in the discussion around Ethical Practice. Alasdair co-wrote the RIBA Ethical Practice Guide with Carys Rowlands, and regularly gives talks and CPD sessions on ESG in Architecture. We value the importance of ethical practice in our relationships, our work and society more broadly.

Let’s have a chat about your vision and
how we can help you realise it.
Collective Works are an architecture & design studio. Our network of professionals will create your perfect solution.