
Delivery – RIBA Stages 5/6/7

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Turning your beautiful designs into a finished building rests on a smooth, successful construction process.

Our approach to delivery

We can either take an advisory role during construction or a more active project management role as a Contract Administrator to issue construction drawings, obtain cost estimates, oversee finances and manage changes.  This is the Delivery phase of the project (RIBA Stage 5).

Whatever role we take, our approach is that we’re all on the same team, and we all share the same goal for a successful outcome. Often both you and your contractor may need to make compromises, so we’ll help you understand each other’s point-of-view and ensure everyone makes the right decisions to deliver the project successfully. 

For project management advice, please get in touch with us.

The handover stage

If we’re appointed as Contract Administrator, we’ll be responsible for both costs and project management in the final stages of delivery. We’ll gather the necessary paperwork, approvals and declarations so you can reoccupy your home or building. 

The handover phase (RIBA Stage 6) is crucial for compliance with building regulations and allows your insurance to come back into place. However, the project’s official end is still 6 or 12 months away. This period allows any defects to be noticed and rectified as part of your contractor’s final payment.

Beyond delivery

We will stay in touch, proactively checking up on you and your project as part of our post-occupancy evaluation (RIBA Stage 7). With a meeting and questionnaire, we’ll find out if the building is living up to your expectations, then make suggestions for improvement. This exercise also helps make sure we’re improving our designs and services to deliver better outcomes.

Get in touch to discuss your project with a residential architect in London.

Let’s have a chat about your vision and
how we can help you realise it.

Collective Works are an architecture & design studio. Our network of professionals will create your perfect solution.