Public Spaces

NHS Social Prescribing Wellington Way

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Our brief

Wellington Way Health Centre in East London is surrounded by a fenced narrow outdoor space that is rarely used. Our brief was to turn this border space into a garden that would be used as a social space and informal waiting area.

Inclusive, participatory design 

We suggested to use the external space as part of the health centre; a semi-private garden for social prescribing classes such as yoga, mediation and gardening, as well as a space for staff and patients to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Improving Access

Built-in planter seating provides informal outdoor waiting and breakout area for staff. Large planters break up the garden and create natural screens of plants that add pockets of privacy. A local community gardening organisation arranged a three day gardening workshop to educate, engage and involve the staff, patients and the wider community.

We worked with Urban Growth and Gingko Gardens to deliver the project – find out more here:


Year: 2022
Location: Bow
Construction: £15,000


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